"...you have to know what the organization was set up to do..."1
What are we doing as the Church in the world today? Are we meeting the objectives or accomplishing the vision? Doesn't seem like it.
Our society is growing more non-Christian each day. Over 70% (maybe way over) of our churches are declining or dead. Even among the largest evangelical groups, the number of new converts - new Christians - is down from past years. Meeting the objectives? Accomplishing the vision? I don't think so!
Why aren't we? Probably because we have lost touch with "what the organization was set up to do." We have grown too busy doing too many good things; but have forgotten what God intended for the church to accomplish. Look at the weekly bulletin at most churches. Lots of activity (almost all of it for the already saved!). Follow a typical pastor around for a few days. Meetings, counseling sessions, visits, phone calls - lots of these coming in the middle of the night - plus all the normal activities at the church building. All this leaves precious little time for sermon/lesson preparation. And he hasn't even had time to pray yet! The lives of many church goers are just as busy.
Maybe it's time for a simple reminder: We only have one command and one commission.
We are to love - love God, our neighbors and ourselves. Seeing our love for God and each other, and by experiencing our love for them, non-Christians are impacted profoundly. To paraphrase: seeing how much we do care, they begin to care about the God we know!
We show our love best when taking the Gospel into the world and sharing with others what Jesus has done for us. In fulfilling the Great Commission, we make disciples...the Kingdom expands!
What are we doing? Answer: too much activity; too little results! Spend some time reflecting on the passages of Scripture about the early church. Focus. Let God's original purpose for this organization become the one driving force when planning, and especially when putting things on the calendar.
Let's try to do what we were designed to do...what God wants us, as His Church, to do.
1 Allen, Roger E. Winnie-the-Pooh on Management: In which a Very Important Bear and his friends are introduced to a Very Important Subject Penguin Group: New York, 1994; pg. 45. (A silly, humorous, yet profound presentation of the basics of effective organizational management. - Pastor Sam)
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