Thursday, June 30, 2011

Are 52 Hours Enough?

Most people who claim to be Christians are malnourished.

At least they are spiritually.  How can they be anything else?  By far, most "Christians" (at least in America) only spend an hour each week with God.  For most, if they have any interaction with God at all, it is the one hour of worship each Sunday morning.  No small group experience.  No daily walking, talking and living with God through Bible study and prayer.  This one hour per week diet leads to spiritually malnourished church goers. (I'm not calling them Christians anymore, because true disciples spend time - lots of time - with the Master!)

Just think about it for a moment.

If you only experience/interact with God one hour each Sunday, and if you never miss a Sunday; then you get a grand total of 52 hours per YEAR with the Father! (1 hour/week for 52 weeks = 52 hours/year)

One long work week is usually 60 hours or more.

If you spend 30 minutes eating lunch and 30 minutes eating dinner each day, that equals 7 hours/week just for eating; or 364 hours/year...7 times the amount of time spent with God!

Now, I like to eat.  But, can you really call yourself a Christian and spend more time - 7 times more time - feeding your face than you do feeding your spirit?

Here's the point (if you haven't gotten it already): one hour a week with God is not enough...not even close.

No wonder so many church goers are bored.  No surprise such persons find their "walk" with God uninspiring, ineffective and lacking in meaning, fulfillment or purpose.  Without realizing it, they are starving themselves spiritually.

We know this to be true; but what can we do about it?  Follow the example of others.  As a start, commit to spending a little amount of time each day with God.  Read a short passage of Scripture; voice a short prayer.  Rise a few minutes early, or stay up a few minutes late - with the TV off!  If spending time with God is important to you, you will find the time to make it happen.  You find time to eat, don't you?

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