Exciting…thrilling…best thing ever! Life filled with…
• opportunities and blessings;
• true joy and real satisfaction;
• meaningful activities and compelling purpose;
• peace that passes all understanding;
• contentment and a deep, abiding satisfaction.
All of these, and so much more…this is the Christian experience!
Being a Christ follower, a true believer and confessor of His, is an amazing adventure. He promises His followers an abundant life and that He delivers. He gives generously and blesses abundantly. He empowers, emboldens and encourages each day. More than just watching and rooting for us, He intercedes for us with the Father and indwells us with the Spirit. Through the perils and temptations, and in spite of our set-backs and failures, nothing in this world matches walking with Jesus! The Christian experience truly is exciting…thrilling…the best thing ever!
But I wonder if we often overlook the most incredible part of the journey: God’s Love. Of all that Jesus offers and delivers; of all the benefits received by being His; the most amazing of all has to be that God loves me…and you…each of us, personally and intimately!
It is because of His love that we can have a relationship with Him at all. “For God loved the world in this way: He gave His One and Only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16). You should notice three key truths from this verse.
First: God’s Love originates in God. God loves first. Believers are those who receive the love he offers; then return His love – through our hearts – back to Him. This amazing love finds its beginning and ending in Him! “We love Him because He first loved us” (1 John 4:19).
Second: God’s Love is a gift. The love in God’s heart compelled Him to do something for mankind; specifically, for you and me. And what He did was give: “He gave…” the verse states. And what a gift it was: “His One and Only Son!” It is very important to realize that God’s love is a gift. Gifts are not earned; then they would be wages. Gifts are not given because they are necessarily deserved. Gifts are given because of love in the heart of the giver for the one receiving the gift. Not one of us deserves God’s love, but He gives it to us anyway.
Third: God’s Love makes eternal life possible. I think sometimes Christians believe God’s gift to us was salvation. But we should remember the sequence: God gave us Jesus; and Jesus, on the cross, provided the payment that purchased our salvation. The gift was, and is, Jesus Himself! God gives Himself (in the form of the Son) to every man, woman and child who simply will believe and confess. Amazing love, indeed!
Receive God’s Love into your heart. Receive God’s Love as His gift to you. Receive the abundant life here, and eternal life hereafter, that God’s Love provides.
There are many wonders in the Christian life. There are also many trials and tribulations, as well as many victories and successes. It is a great and marvelous adventure! But the most exciting, thrilling, best part ever…is God’s Love!
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