Thursday, August 25, 2011

These Three Things We Know

As John closes his first epistle, He assures the reader of three things we know...beyond any doubt, with complete assurance, we know and can trust these three things.  The third of these is found in verse 20:

And we know that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding so that we may know the true One.  We are in the true One - that is, in His Son Jesus Christ.  He is the true God and eternal life.

From this verse we know...

I. Messiah has come – vs. 20a

Jews had been waiting for centuries…Still, they wait for the long-promised Messiah.  Believers know…No more waiting! He has come.

John 1:1,14 “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God...The Word became flesh and took up residence among us.  We observed His glory, the glory as the One and Only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.

Truly, the Messiah has been here and left already. Hebrews 4:14: “He has passed through the heavens…”  They missed Him then, and many are missing Him today!

Do you know Him? Do you believe and confess that the Messiah, Jesus, has come into the world?

Why did He come?  Certainly to fulfill prophecy; but is there more? Why did Jesus come to earth? What did He accomplish by coming to earth?

We know…

II. Messiah has come and given us understanding – vs. 20b

understanding – is more than facts; knowledge is facts.  Understanding is the ability to correctly put the facts together, to interpret the knowledge – the meaning of the facts – and apply in daily life.

More than just knowing some facts, understanding impacts living!

So what did Jesus help us understand?  John says He came… “so that we may know the true God.”

Get this: Jesus came to help us not just know some facts about God; but so we would correctly put those facts together, interpret their meaning, and change our lives! He came so we could – think about this – so that, through the understanding He gives us, we could know God!

Through Jesus we can know God. Not just know about Him; but know Him, intimately, personally, totally.  For God chose to reveal Himself to us through Jesus.  Jesus said: “See Me, see the Father; know Me, know the Father;” and, “I and the Father are One.”  Elsewhere, it is written of Him: “He is the radiance of His glory, the exact expression of His nature.” (Hebrews 1:3a).

When the Messiah came among us, He gave us understanding so that we could know God.

Third, We know…

III. Messiah has come and reconciled us to God – vs. 20c

We are born sinners. Our sin separates us from God. An impassable barrier keeps all sinners away from Him, now and for eternity. That barrier is our sin; our unrighteousness.

What Jesus did was take our sin upon Himself on the cross; take our unrighteousness. He replaced it with His holy, Godly, perfect righteousness. So now, we can approach God; not as our judge, but as our Father!  We are in God – part of the family, invited to sit at the family table, to interact with the Father of the Family. Protected and preserved by the Father.

No longer a part of the world, we are now royalty in glory! No longer dead, we have abundant life now, and eternal life in Heaven.

We have this access – this change – because of the Messiah. We are in God, through His Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus did this for us!  Jesus accomplished this reconciliation because He is God: “I and the Father are one.”  John says of Jesus: “He is the true God and eternal life.”

We know…
The Messiah has come!
He has given us understanding!
He has reconciled us to God!

Through Jesus we know God; we are “in” God; and, we have eternal life!

One day Peter and John were in the presence of the rulers, elders and scribes of Jerusalem. Also present were Annas, the high priest; Caiaphas, Alexander and all the members of the high-priestly family. This event is recorded in Acts 4.

Speaking of Jesus, Peter said to them that day:  “There is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to people by which we must be saved.”

Jesus is the Savior, the Messiah. Those that day listening to Peter refused to believe. Tragically, many are still waiting for One who already has come.

How about you?

Do you believe Jesus is the Messiah; the One True God, come in the flesh?  Have you received Him into your life? Have you received the understanding He brings and the reconciliation He provides?

If not, would you like to today? Do you sense God touching your heart, calling you to Himself? Respond to Him.  Confess your belief in Jesus as the Messiah, the Son of God.

If you have previously confessed your belief in Christ, are you living the life He requires? Are you applying the understanding and growing in that understanding each day? Do you need to confess, repent, rededicate yourself to living as a Child of the King?

Thursday, August 18, 2011

A Significant Life

Prayer is not optional, but critical, for the Christian who desires a life with purpose and signficance.

No man can do a great and enduring work for God who is not a man of prayer; and no man can be a man of prayer who does not give much time to praying.1

Simply re-worded: Praying much gives much success in Kingdom work.  I suppose the opposite would also be true: Praying little gives little success.  Prayer indeed is the key to accomplishing something meaningful and important in the Lord's work.

Do you want to be used of God?  Do you want to accomplish something meaningful and important?  Do you want a life of significance?  Then you must pray!

Will you be satisfied to end your life never having done much at all?  Will a life wasted be your legacy; and will that be ok with you?  If so, then you never need pray!

1 The Complete Works of E.M. Bounds (Radford, Virginia: Wilder Publications.  2008), pg. 23.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Problems are Opportunities

Problems are opportunities, in disguise!

Do you believe this statement?

Chuck Swindoll (in One Step Forward, Two Steps Back, pg. 35) shares this thought:

Every problem is an opportunity to prove God's power.  Every day we encounter countless golden opportunities, brilliantly disguised as insurmountable problems.

Don't be discouraged; don't be dismayed.  Look beyond the disguise.  Wonderful opportunities are awaiting you today!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Two Keys to Eternity

From the Nuggets File:

The teachings of Jesus show us that there are two keys that determine everything about your eternity.

The first key is your belief.  This key unlocks the door to eternal life and determines where you will spend eternity.

The second key is your behavior.  It unlocks the door to reward and determines how you will spend eternity.

Bruce Wilkinson, A Life God Rewards, pg 15.

Monday, August 8, 2011

He Who Protects You and Makes You Stand

Big things sometimes do come in small packages!

For example, look at the book of Jude in the New Testament. One of the smallest of all Bible books, it packs a wallop! Jude states he had wanted to write a letter about the wonders of our salvation; but he was compelled to write about dangerous, ungodly, sneaky subversives who had infiltrated the church. Much of his short letter deals with these characters.

But as he concludes, Jude turns his attention back to God and to true believers.

“Now to Him who is able to protect you from stumbling and to make you stand in the presence of His glory, blameless and with great joy, to the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, power, and authority before all time, now, and forever. Amen.” (Jude 24-25)

Jude’s letter is about ungodly sneaks coming into the church and leading astray some of the members. Should we be worried? Jude says, “No!” For Jesus “is able to protect [us] from stumbling.” If we remain in Jesus, He will protect us from falling prey to the apostates.

Treasury agents study real bills, which makes it easy to spot the fakes. You don’t need to worry about all the fakes or try to learn all the untruths they might try to trick you with. Instead, focus on the Truth. The better you know the Truth, the easier it will be for you to recognize the untrue!

What is the opposite of stumbling? Standing. Jude writes: “and to make you stand…” Notice four truths about our standing:

1. We stand because of the POWER of Jesus. He “makes” us stand. We cannot stand on our own. We will stumble, go off course, be influenced to some degree by the untruths around us; unless we stay close to Jesus, focused on Him. Then He “makes” us stand.

It’s as if He puts a rod in our back, or strength in our legs…we stand because He empowers us to stand! Without Him, we would – indeed we do – stumble.

2. We stand in the PRESENCE of stand in the presence of His glory

Remember how every time in Scripture when an angel appears, the person it appears to falls to their knees or lays flat before the angel? And the angel always says, “No! Stand up!” See, the angels know they are not the ones worthy of reverence or worship, only God.

And yet, through our relationship with Jesus we are allowed to Stand, even in His presence! Not arrogantly or flippantly, always with reverence, awe and respect.

As true believers, we are allowed to stand in the presence of Jesus as God (not just Jesus as a man). For Jude writes, we stand in the “presence of His glory.” Before Him in His Glory – in the fullness of His essence in Heaven – we stand in His presence.

Remember, standing is the opposite of stumbling. The naive, tricked, duped, or those who shouldn’t be there at all, are the ones who stumble.

But we belong. Through Jesus we are part of the family. We have a seat at the table. We can stand in the presence of His glory!

3. We stand under the PURITY of Jesus.blameless

None of us, not one of us, is blameless. So why is it, that when God looks at true believers, He does not see our sin? Answer: because it has been removed completely. Our sin is on Jesus at the Cross. We receive in its place His righteousness. God looks at us and sees the righteousness of His Son! No longer under the guilt of sin, we are indeed blameless in God’s sight. But only because of Jesus.

Because of these three truths…the fourth is possible…

4. We stand with GREAT JOY in Jesus.and with great joy.”

We are able to stand. We are able to stand in His presence. We are able to stand in His presence totally blameless. What else should we feel but GREAT JOY?!!

So four truths about us – True Believers – as Jude brings his letter to a close.

Notice there are also 4 truths about God & Jesus in these two verses. Remember, these verses are really about Him, not us. So Jude reminds all True Believers…

1. There is only ONE TRUE God and ONE PATH to Him. to the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord” God is God, and Jesus is the one Savior. As He said, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but through Me.”

The Bible is very clear on this point. There is no room for doubt, confusion, or negotiation…there is one and only one God…and His name is “I AM.”

• The God of the Old Testament is the God of the New.
• The God of Genesis is the God of Revelation.
• The God of Adam is the God of Paul.
• The God of the Israelites is the God of the Church.

Through Jesus, know God; and know there is no other!

2. God alone is worthy of WORSHIP. “…be glory, majesty…”

Glory & Majesty…someday take the time to read verses that include these words. The exercise will lift your spirit! Often when they appear, the words splendor and awesome accompany them.

I honestly don’t have the space here to discuss Glory and Majesty. I want to; but when I look at the sources in my study, quickly I realize there is just too much. The subject of God’s Glory and Majesty is a subject that could occupy us for a long time. Indeed it will, throughout eternity!

Let me just encourage you to find a good Bible dictionary and read the entries for Glory and Majesty. I promise you, it will be worth your time. What Jude succinctly says is, “to God only be Glory and Majesty!” He alone should be worshipped.

3. God alone is worthy of OBEDIENCE. “…power, authority…”

All power and authority is Mine,” Jesus said – and Jesus is God. God created it all. He owns it all. He controls it all. Who else really has any power or authority? No one.

Now, in our human lives we have people who hold authority over us temporarily: a boss, government, leaders in the church. But these are not permanent – none of them; and their authority is a temporary loan from God. They exercise an authority that is not their own. For all power and authority belongs ultimately to God – even that which the Devil temporarily has in this world!

Therefore, God is truly the only one who is worthy of your obedience. This means complete obedience to Him, and to the expressions of His authority He has shared through legitimate earthly agencies.

4. Only God is ETERNAL. “…before all time, now, and forever.”

He is the One true God “before all time.” Before creation, God is.
He is the One true God “now.” Today, many vie to be your god; but He is still the One and Only!
He is the One true God “forever.” When all this earth has passed away, He will still be.

Think about what Jude is saying as he concludes this letter.

The only eternal God, the only One worthy of our worship and obedience, He is the One who will protect us from stumbling, enable us to stand, and keep us until He delivers us to Heaven – into His presence forever!

Truly there is no better way to end, than the way Jude does…
